Monday, September 14, 2009

Another First

Brayden started school (Mother's Day Out) last week. He was very excited to use his py man (Spider Man backpack). I was expecting a big scene when I left but he gave me a kiss goodbye and started coloring. He did great the first day but did not want to leave his classroom when it was time to go do other activities. I guess he figured that's where I left him so he better stay there. He had a great day and even napped at school.

The day I had expected came on his second day. Before we left he kept saying "no school mom, no Ashley (his teacher)." When it was time for me to go he fell apart and started screaming and crying and when I picked him up they said he hadn't napped that day. Hopefully the days to come will be more like the first day of school!

I think he is beginning to chew on his fingers when he is nervous


Jennie's bunch said...

He looks sooo big!! What a cutie!!

srbushman said...

I can't believe it! He is so big. I think I'll hold on to Cannon one more year...maybe next year! But yeah Brayden!